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Michael McNulty

Building a Reputation – Ok, I’m Off

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Building a Reputation

George Underwood finds it difficult to talk about his old friend David Robert Jones, alias David Bowie. In a radio interview, Underwood candidly shared stories of Bowie when they were children – Underwood was responsible for Bowie’s damaged but ultimately supercool eye injury that is a small, but iconic part of the legend and story of Bowie and his persona. What came across really authentically as Underwood recounted fond memories of a dear friend, was the enigmatic nature of Bowie’s enthusiastic and inquisitive mind, his wit, his magnetic character, his confidence and his energy, which were ever-present in an extraordinary life.

It will be no surprise to you to learn then that I have been a fan of Bowie for many years and his passing has left a deep impression on me: how can someone I had never met have such a hold on my emotions? I’m not alone it seems. In a strange way, I felt disappointed that so many other people were deeply affected too, mistaken in my selfish love that Bowie was all mine.

This effect is rare. Bowie represented a dream, a fantasy, a way of life that remained intact, right up and and even beyond his death. His reputation, for many people, remains intact. George Underwood, in one breath, felt traumatised and then relieved that he didn’t know that Bowie was close to the end. There was no slow close – we had no time to adjust. ‘Wham Bam Thank you Mam’, as Underwood remarked. This  has become part of Bowie’s legend.

How do you build your reputation?                                                                

So let’s be honest. Like Bowie, can you hold people’s attention and have them hanging on your every word? Or do they suddenly find they have to be somewhere else, or interrupt you mid-stream? Personal impact is important – no, it’s crucial for success not only personally but also professionally. If you want to influence people, be an effective leader and achieve great results then you need bags of impact. Where does it come from and how do you get more of it?

When you are confident you are free to be yourself

My experience in helping people to develop their personal impact has led me to recognise that the foundation of personal impact is self-confidence. We believe confidence isn’t about outward show, it’s about inner strength and self-belief. If you believe in yourself you will feel more confident. Beliefs are created and reinforced by experience and thoughts. The way you think about yourself has a profound effect on the impact you have on others. You can develop confidence by talking to yourself in a positive way, making positive pictures in your mind and acting as if you are confident by taking risks. If this doesn’t work, you may need the help of a coach.

When you are real you have impact

Being real is an important component of making a positive impact. People who are comfortable being themselves don’t feel the need to conform to the expectations of others and are often perceived as having presence.

Think of Bowie.

You can’t be authentic without inner confidence. People who are confident act naturally as they don’t feel the need to put on a mask. When your words and actions match, and that congruence is combined with confidence and conviction, you will have a magnetic personality that attracts people to you. Those who say one thing and do another rarely have impact, nor those who seek constantly to please and satisfy others.

When you have impact you have influence

Personal impact can be defined as ‘having an effect upon someone or something’. When you make an impact – positive or negative – people will react in some way. The secret of success lies in being aware of the impact you’re making on others then adapting what you do to get the result you want. You will be more likely to ‘hit it off’ with people when you match your communication style to suit the other person. When you make a positive impact you have a head start when it comes to influencing and persuading others to buy your ideas. You are more likely to persuade your boss to give you a raise or convince a customer that you can provide what they want when the impression you make is of a confident, genuine person who is ‘speaking their language’.

You need influence to be a leader

When building a reputation, whether we lead a team or not we are all leaders – personally responsible for the direction we’re heading, motivating ourselves and attaining our goals. Once you’re clear about where you want to go and how you will get there you are well on your way towards achieving it. Effective leadership is about walking your talk and practising what you preach. The more able you are as a leader the more influential you will become. When leaders create and share a compelling vision they inspire and motivate people. Visionary leaders think big and act with boldness. They know where they’re going and the kind of impact they want to make.

We can’t all be David Bowie. But all is not lost. We, too, can find ways to create his energy, inner-confidence, and curiosity for life.

Who Makes a Personal Impact on you, and how?

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Who makes a personal impact on you, and how?
In the media we are bombarded with images of people who make an impact: politicians, actors, artists, sporting heroes,etc. These people inspire strong reactions from their audience, both positive and negative. Either planned or unplanned, there exists a clarity about what their image is and this is what sustains it in their follower’s consciousness.

Assuming that you think it is useful to have personal impact, what steps do we need to take to identify our own ability to make an impact…?

What Planet Are You On?…How to Become an Out of this World Leader

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My name is Michael McNulty and I am a Time Traveller.

And I hear you want to be an Out of this World Leader?

That’s a bit of a mouthful to say, so let’s call them O(ut of this) W(orld) L(eader)s – OWLs.

Wise in so many ways.

Fear not, World Weary Humanoid, I am here on this small planet (let’s call it Planet Habit) to prepare you for Real Leadership in a way that doesn’t ask you to fit a mould that has been handed down from the annals of a Business School or an American Institution. We are going to get there through a much more exciting medium.You may well be a bit cynical about the prospect of yet another blog on Leadership. It sounds so corporate doesn’t it? How about this one: Authentic Leadership. Yawn.

Through Interplanetary Time Travel.

We are going on a fantastic interstellar journey – The objective?:

  • To give you clarity.
  • To lighten your load.
  • To take away your fear.
  • To release your Power through the stories that are hidden within you
  • To ignite your curiosity.
  • To encourage you to be generous and give, give, give.
  • To uplift you into being a Time Traveller too.
  • To inspire people around you to become Time Travellers too.

Out of this World Leaders (OWLs) are by definition Time Travellers. They have a compulsion to travel in order to Learn, Feel and Understand.

Two Fundamental Journeys
Enlightened Time Travellers understand that there are 2 types of journeys.
– The Journey Within (The Inner Universe)
– The Journey Without (The Outer Universe).
Time Travellers need to know that their journey is fuelled by the questions that they ask of themselves and of others.

This is our voyage.

We need to delve into the past, the present and future in order to find the answers. To be Intergalactic OWLs we need to take 8 small steps and 1 giant leap to gain our Universal Wings.

The most important power that you are armed with are the stories that rest within you. Some of you will be at an advantage in that you have already discovered the Power of the Story. Others will discover them on our journeys. During each mission you may be required to use this power in order to succeed.

We will travel vast distances through light years of events, and also tiny distances into the microsystem of our own mind – to learn, feel and understand our own beliefs, values, habits. All to be shaken up and challenged. Questions that we ask will include:

  • How much do we know about ourselves?
  • How much do we know about other people? Why should we be bothered?
  • What am I going to do with this knowledge?
  • How does all this help me to become an Out of this World Leader (OWL)?


If we were all the same, then I would stay at home, and be content to sit on my sofa and watch repeat episodes of Star Trek. Or Red Dwarf.

But because we are so different – so diverse, multi-faceted, infinitely layered with our own life experiences, then it becomes a drug that I am completely addicted to – and possibly the only drug in the Universe that does you good – the Elixir of Curiosity, Imagination and Action – otherwise known as the Time Traveller’s Tipple – See you sometime at TTA (Time Travellers Anonymous).

  • Imagination and Action
  • Time and Space
  • You and Everyone Else


We all have a Past, Present and Future. So much of it is forgotten, overlooked or unknown. So much of it requires the Time Traveller to go and explore it – perhaps from a different angle.

  • Who’s got the map? How do we navigate around this unknown territory.
  • Who are you?
  • What Planet are you on?
  • What makes you tick?
  • Why do you see things that way?
  • How do I get to understand you?
  • What fires you up?
  • When are you in your flow?

All OWLs have travelled a similar journey. Not only that, but by definition (because I have been inspired by them) they have been able to tell the story of their journey.
This is where we are going to travel…

Mission 1: Journey to the Centre of your Earth

When you get out of bed you might sigh – you are already carrying a heavy load – undefined, shadowy, cumbersome.

Challenge: You need to understand what fires you up and turbo charge your way towards clarity.

Mission 2: Crossing the Time Continuum

Because you are unsure, you become introspective and lack the curiosity you need to interact with others – you resort to automatic greetings and ignore the signals that other people send you. Your world stops spinning and you become stagnant in a robotic trance, day by day by day.

Challenge: You need to visit a few planets to fix on a mission that will surprise and delight the aliens around you.

Mission 3: Time and Space

In order to avoid the fundamental questions that you haven’t yet answered, you fill your day with busy-ness. This then restricts you from having to think too hard about the big picture and you think gives the impression that you are really important because you have filled your day with multiple tasks.

Challenge: Take your time. Be still. Give yourself a chance to learn, feel, understand.

Mission 4: Sixth Sense

Because you now don’t have any time you follow this routine day in day out. Your comfort zone is fixed. You never take any risks. You haven’t got the time. You aren’t in touch with your senses: those physical ones of touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell but also that sixth sense of intuition – the sense that is informed by our past experience as well as something unknown within us – inherited or delivered by aliens who are ever-present. Ignore it at your peril.

Challenge: To feel the force and trust in your potential for becoming extraordinary – a risk taker of universal proportions!

Mission 5: We Come in Peace

You are going to meet some scary aliens out there: many who will challenge your claim that you are an OWL – who are you to claim such a thing?

Challenge: To become at peace with who you are and who your aliens are. To get them off your back and by your side.

Mission 6: Take Me To Your Leader

Because you are not used to giving unconditionally, it will feel uncomfortable at first and you risk going back to old introspective habits. You will also feel uncomfortable at the number of alien followers who will seek you and praise you.

Challenge: To welcome this new found attention and celebrate it with your new followers and supporters

Mission 7: Infinity and Beyond

You are now an Interplanetary Hero – but you must remember that a hero is there to serve and you must find ways to keep giving.

Challenge: You need to sustain the habit of Giving and Growing

Mission 8: You are the Commander of your StarShip

You now have the tools, skills and habits that enable you to command your own Starship

Challenge: What is your brand? What is your legacy? Are you still on their planet even when you are not present?
So, check your equipment, strap yourself in and be ready to journey to places you have only been to in your imagination.

This is Starship Storyteller to Ground Control. We are ready for lift off!!!
Tune in next week for the 1st Mission: Journey to the Centre of Your Earth

See you next week!

It’s Great To Be Remembered – Ideally While You’re Still Alive!

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Here’s a copy of a message that I received from Verbatim our valued virtual Assistant telephone answering service in my inbox recently:

“Message for Michael McNulty, taken by Misty at 24/07/2013 14:25:22
Client: 5585 – The Performance Business

Caller: Steve……… 
Tel: ……..

“Mr……… attended a course of yours a very long time ago. He thinks it was about 12 years ago. Ever since he has carried the yellow card with words of inspiration. The card has now become

very shabby and faded. He wanted to know if you still have these cards. Please return the call to advise. Kind Regards Misty”  

Well of course, I was flattered to think that Steve had carried this card around with him for 12 years and I would like to think that he also referred to it from time to time.

What was on the card? I’ll tell you in a minute.

Whatever was on the card, the moving feeling that I am left with is that my influence has been felt by someone who I didn’t know very well, but who had been affected by the words and actions that I had shared with him enough to not only carry the card (a yellow plastic card as it happens) but had been prompted enough to want to contact me and ask for a replacement.

So this prompted me to think about the power of what we say and do and the legacy that it leaves. As someone who has a strong spiritual affinity, the exciting and satisfying feel for me and  I hope for Steve is that the course that he attended has lived on all these years and the value has been sustained every time he not only looked at the card but also acted on what the card inspired him to do.

So what did it say?

Well, we ran a weekly course on Personal Impact ( called Inspire) and the we gave out a plastic credit card sized card with tips to make the most of every situation when you were going public, whether it be in a formal setting – in other words when you were about to extend your own persona onto a public stage; there were tips for preparing to perform. Let me share them with you now:

Preparing to Inspire…

  • Think of the big picture – outside your immediate situation
  • Visualise your audience acting on what you communicate
  • Practice being economical – less is more
  • Check the space before you communicate
  • Choreograph your message – use the space to its optimum
  • Ensure you have a Beginning-Middle-End
  • Think of clear images – ditch unnecessary data
  • Plan to ‘bookend’ key messages – Gesture-Line-Sustain
  • Decide on Entrances and Exits – be very definite
  • Be ready to respond to different atmospheres


  • Start with a personal anecdote – as unusual as you dare!
  • Control your message – pause if it begins to run away…
  • Repeat your key points (maximum of five) frequently
  • Dare to pause – hold it for as long as is uncomfortable!
  • Remind yourself – your audience needs to hear your story
  • Try to move without talking at the same time
  • Remember – you own the space and have as long as it takes
  • Use props to enhance your message – not to hide behind
  • Take the risk – adapt an unclear message
  • Repeat your anecdote – let your audience make the connection

Thanks Steve…is calls like that that brighten my day!

Values in the Real World

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The notion of incorporating values into our own lives is a challenge that I put to myself and my clients each day. It’s not always easy to be 100% committed to values in a literal way – so go easy on ourselves and where we are challenged, ask the question: are my values being damaged in this case or merely adapted to get through the reality of this situation?

The Real Way to make a Personal Impact

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We all know that we never get a second chance to make a first impression. Yet we devote so little time to developing it. When you think of Personal Impact also think of Confidence, Gravitas, Authenticity, Spontaneity, Courage, Passion, Demeanour, Rapport, Energy, Fluency.

They’re all in the mix.

On Monday 7th April 2008, at The Old Vic, the world’s oldest rehearsal venue, London SE1, 10 participants attended a 1-day workshop. There was very little talking from me, lots of doing from the participants.

They found it challenging no matter how confident they were!
So it wasn’t for the faint hearted!!
We spent a great deal of the focus on developing personal brand…

How much personal impact do you have?

Be honest.

When you walk in a room do eyes turn in your direction or do they glaze over when you talk to people about your day or what you do? Can you hold the attention of a group and have them hanging on your every word? Or do they suddenly find they have to be somewhere else, or interrupt you mid-stream? Personal impact is important – no, it’s crucial for success not only personally but also professionally. If you want to influence people, be an effective leader and achieve great results then you need bags of impact. Where does it come from and how do you get more of it?
When you are confident you are free to be yourself.

Our years of experience in helping people to develop their personal impact have led us to recognise that the foundation of personal impact is self confidence. We believe confidence isn’t about outward show it’s about inner strength and self belief. If you believe in yourself you will feel more confident. Beliefs are created and reinforced by experience and thoughts. The way you think about yourself has a profound effect on the impact you have on others. You can develop confidence by talking to yourself in a positive way, making positive pictures in your mind and acting as if you are confident by taking risks. If this doesn’t work, you may need the help of a coach.

When you are real you have impact

Being real is an important component of making a positive impact. People who are comfortable being themselves don’t feel the need to conform to the expectations others and are often perceived as having presence. You can’t be authentic without inner confidence. People who are confident act naturally as they don’t feel the need to put on a mask. When your words and actions match, and that congruence is combined with confidence and conviction, you will have a magnetic personality that attracts people to you. Those who say one thing and do another rarely have impact, nor those who seek constantly to please and satisfy others.

When you have impact you have influence

Personal impact can be defined as ‘having an effect upon someone or something’. When you make an impact – positive or negative – people will react in some way. The secret of success lies in being aware of the impact you’re making on others then adapting what you do to get the result you want. You will be more likely to ‘hit it off’ with people when you match your communication style to suit the other person.

When you make a positive impact you have a head start when it comes to influencing and persuading others to buy your ideas. You are more likely to persuade your boss to give you a raise or convince a customer that you can provide what they want when the impression you make is of a confident, genuine person who is ‘speaking their language’.

You need influence to be a leader

Whether we lead a team or not we are all leaders – personally responsible for the direction we’re heading, motivating ourselves and attaining our goals. Once you’re clear about where you want to go and how you will get there you are well on your way towards achieving it. Effective leadership is about walking your talk and practising what you preach. The more able you are as a leader the more influential you will become. When leaders create and share a compelling vision they inspire and motivate people. Visionary leaders think big and act with boldness. They know where they’re going and the kind of impact they want to make.
During the day the group learnt how to:

  • Assess the effect of their appearance
  • Use and be more aware of body language
  • Understand how best to use their own communication style
  • Clarify and deliver their message

A lot of the feedback was focused on how the group felt as a result, for instance:

  • Better equipped to handle small group situations
  • More alert to what happens in a small group
  • Ready to convey both confidence and conviction
  • More sensitive to others and their communication needs Now they were able to:
  • Convey quality in your personal message
  • Give effective briefings
  • Chair or participate in meetings
  • Deal with business and social occasions
  • Create personal chemistry and rapport

Click on the video to find out what some of the participants felt about the day…

Marriage Disputes

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Here’s something that we did recently for a great company that work with marriage disputes before they get to the D-I-V-O-R-C-E stage. Go to to discover more about this company.

Roleplay has all sorts of uses to create an impact and a positive outcome for those that spectate. Very often, in fact we are looking to turn the ‘spectators’ into ‘spectactors’ – that is, to inspire some form of action.

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